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A member registered May 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

ok. cant belive the Baldis Basics free exclusive edition guy is here to me saying "yeah could you do me a poster of this"

sorry for the late response tho, i dont visit that much.

yes, this is in fact Repainted Version.

I like the repaint my guy, just one problem i have, and this is just a opinion of mine but seeing 21st century memes (like Amogus or breaking bad) in a repaint dosent feel right. but honestly you can do better than me, like i have no clue how to mod pizza tower so keep doing what youre doing ig.

(1 edit)

Love it. Its way too good for a repaint the mashups are so good that i started listening to them Unironically lmao.

why is this game so good like bruh its really fun for a game that only has 3 levels (or 4 if you include the final boss level) good job guys really like this game!

this game is a garbage masterpiece i love it this game is one of those "so bad it's good" ones

I like it alot has all of effort put into it i can tell!

the nugg song in the YCTP is the best video game OST ive ever heard