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A member registered Sep 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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i fucking love that metal pipe so muchMetal Pipe Falling Sound Effect | Know Your Meme

"Scratchin' Melodii.exe"


it's not that easy to make a mac port and to add it on mobile versions. wait for new updates. and there is no chance it'll land on mobile.

WASD, Q, E + arrow keys

ALT+Enter / turn off window-mode in "Options"

this usually happens to me too, theres no current way to fix it so it's best to wait for a new update. i'm a pc/keyboard player and it happens very often

theres easy & normal in the "Quick-Groove" menu! press "W" then use the arrow keys to choose your difficulty!

i don't see why you have to force LJ. they're a hard working creator with this being a 1-5 people project and you decide to force them? they work so hard and you decide to ask them to release it on mac. it's not that hard to stop being so bossy all the time. leave LJ alone and let them work on the game. be patient and wait for your mac update.

it was released in 2020...

yes! they did use Cyber Diva and many people have said they did. very nice : D

same (OMORI FAN???


oooo ok tysm!!!

UAAAAGGHGHGHGHGH!!! THE NOSTALGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(woah 4 years comment)

(2 edits)

i literally love nami their voice is so cute and has a good design and voice, shoutout to their VA. 
(Also, are the voices made with VOCALOID/UTAU?)

Hello!!! I believe the "Cow" type of skin you're looking for is "Vitiligo". You're very much welcome!