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A member registered Sep 30, 2021

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Very well done, a well made game with interesting mechanics. Grappling hook and wall run can be a bit glitchy, but overall are functional. The environment feels a little incomplete in places but is well structured to match the mechanics.

Art design is solid, but the rest of the game falls a bit flat surrounding one problem. it just isn't fun. There is no interesting movement system that lets you get around, and there isn't any puzzle to solve about where the traps are. It is just digging a staircase until you hit something, then turn around and dig the other way.

Fun game!

I love the art style and music, both give off a sort of clean arcade feel that matches the gameplay very well.

Primary concern is balancing. The enemy will usually deal over 200 damage to you before you can get any kind of defenses to fight back, and from there it only gets ore difficult as the enemies are too fast and have too much range. by the time you can properly fight back you will usually only have 100 health left, and then you will soon lose due to the mines draining you.