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A member registered Jan 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was strange but fantastic though I will suggest you make a local player version where one player can fish and the other gather the stuff they get.

If the game doesn't work here's the link ps hopefully I can win first place 

Great video especially loved the part about metal gear ps sorry that the game kind of sucks lol

Oh it opens in internet explorer but here's a link to it on a site that runs it in browser

Spoilers here's how to make make infinite money first set price to max then lower down until you have max demand then sell to everyone even the people with phones and then when demand goes low just set price to max and then lower down until demand is max rinse and repeat. Ps dev please fix this

Ok so the game seems cool but the options sometimes glitched off screen and a couple of trees were in the water but I hope that you can fix that cause the games super awesome!!! I was also wondering if you could review my game?

Lol it said I went to hell for making slots (aka new EA)