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A member registered Jan 22, 2023

Recent community posts

i often spend a while wonderin' if i'd still recognize good sense when i see it. today, i'll wonder a little less. cheers to you, chariot.


chariot, i may be gettin' too old for this. as if i have another option. already lost a few buddies to the belt. and sometimes the old grey matter feels more like a black box. speakin' of... i thought i knew this but now i'm not so sure, and i couldn't find it in the paperwork. what's considered "adjacent" on these here birds? are we talkin' orthogonal, diagonal, let me know what's up.


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that ain't workin', that's the way you do it...

follow up question - does the cost to increase your max Grit/Gear/Glow/Load also include any bits?


  • i have a current max Grit of 4
  • i have 3 available Grit
  • i pay 3 Cred to increase max Grit by 1 (to a new max Grit of 5)
  • do i also increase available Grit, or stay at 3?

as i write it out (and as i re-read page 10), i'm thinking i stay at 3. but it'd be nice if i didn't...

money for nothin', and your grit for free...

roger that, Chariot... those dots got connected and i'm all straightened out.

Thanks y'all. Loving the game. Been giving Roll20 a ride, too, works pretty nice.

out... for now...

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ok, per Core, if i don't salvage then i ignore the pick list. so that stuff just doesn't happen. so my question really is, if i do salvage, does the opposite of every pick list item happen? (including spending another Grit)

You read me, Chariot?

It's rough out here. Regardless, I appreciate you.

re: the payday... if I roll a 1-3... Oracles say "the Payday you came for is junked. Reminder: The oppposite of every choice you don’t take happens". Core says I could "spend Grit to salvage the payday by using it as normal"... what's normal out here? sounds like on a 1-3 I can spend a Grit to salvage, or not, and the opposite of every pick list item happens either way.

Reality check me... Over...