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Folie Adored

A member registered Feb 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I downloaded and unzipped this, but I can't find the exe file anywhere within it. Help! lol 

EDIT: I finally found it in the demo download. What is the zip file listed then? 

Thank you for getting back to me! Already have it downloaded on Steam. I'll try and remember to leave feedback here and there when I'm done with it though!

Hoping for an English version soon!

Two questions!

Any update on when this will be released on Steam? I thought it was today.

Is it the same game that you can download here and it's just not released there yet, or?

Anyway, I'm excited to play this one. It was hard to not look at reviews! lol

I really enjoyed this! Was definitely creepy at certain points.