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A member registered Jan 31, 2022

Recent community posts

whres yuna,i am searching all over for her in the building and it doesnt let me go nowhere unless i given her the asignment

The tex doesnt show right and if i start it in fulscreen it doesnt show at all,how do i fix that?

Just when the ending goes to the line "And thank you for choosin me as the queen of the ball again this year" the game closes,no bug report or anything

parsnip is a guy?

i need help,i cant go hero time the icon never appears in Windows

yeah im having the same problem on windows,have you learned how to fix it yet?

Is Abbess deal done?

Can't give Ochako a massage or get out of the alley.

Is this game cancelled?Cuz it has been forever since the last update

Im stuck after Shirogane gives me money, I can't go to class cuz it's Says,"time to do something more interesting" and i cant gl home cuz it says "nothing to do here", can't give donations cuz i "already did enough today", can't trade with trader cuz i should get some reputation,what do i do now?!

In Android the Image Failed to load Retry error comes constantly and gets you stuck sometimes,if it at least let you skip it when retrying doesn't work it would at least not get me stuck at the beginning.