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A member registered Feb 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Also, it feels weird when looking at the increasing of eri.

(1 edit)

Love the Game!
could add some achievement

The wand was a Weapon

I think there is a BUG with Electric Stone, it can't buff a wand.

Really nice game tho

Now it is just an clicker game... (btw got contered by axeman's spike and didn't have enough healing i clicked too fast.)

Have recently just discovered an OP combo with Emerald Bracelet and Cursed Whetstone for infinite damage.

thanks, I didn't get to see another merchant after I gave him one

what does the tasty fly do? I gave it to the merchant but nothing happen

Really need a save system...

This new update is AWESOME, way better than the last one (i just die in 1 minutes)

Somehow a part of the level cant be seen after reaching level 100, unless you open and close the shop

Idea: Can add a toggle or setting that allows to hide option that is sold out, really annoying scrolling up and down...

The "Automatic Progress" Upgrade looks useless comparing to the crate, as the crate increase auto-progress about 300-600 while also slightly increasing gold gain. Also can add like speedup or auto-open for crates cuz they really take a long time to open

Really Nice game.