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A member registered Jun 15, 2018

Creator of

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(1 edit)

[after Creator is defeated]

(speaking to Hoagan)

"The Creator?"

"So that's what he goes by now..."

"My brother is a twisted man."

"He realized in a world where juice is everything; that everything is meaningless."

"He went out to search for purpose in life."

"He went out to search in the fog."

"Hahaha... but that's over now, isn't it?"

"I'm glad you had the strength to put him out of his misery that I never did."

"But in the long run, does it really matter?"

"Nothing really matters."

"I'm afraid I'll be taking the same path as him later on."

"Promise me when that time comes you will strike me down."

(if you promise,  he laughs and resumes walking in circles. if not, he sighs and says: "Well, have a nice day then.")

Idea: The color of the grass/ground in the biome you're in (somewhat) determines the color of elite monsters and elite items.
So, say you're in a cold biome, with cyan ground, you'll get a pollywog with white skin, blue eye, and black feet, etc. etc.

That way there could be like "Winter" Themed areas, "Hell" themed areas, "Forest" themed areas, etc. etc.

also make spiky bushes and peanuts more common, I hardly ever find them

Idea 1: Jester's Cap. It would be funny to see the little "ears" flop around and make constant bell noises

Idea 2: Laugh Staff. decent weapon, makes klown laughing sounds when you hit things,  

Mfw when fail flail -->