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A member registered Feb 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is so cool! I've been wanting a good gba sequencer for years, right now I use lsdj on my gba but it's not ideal. Thank you so much, I'll be giving it a whirl as soon as I get home!

Ch1 was enjoyable, but the recontextualization of events in this part really brought the narrative to a whole new level. The art, music, effects, all of it is top notch stuff here too - no weak links. My only complaint is how often I had to get up and investigate the house thinking the in-game sounds were in real life lol

I enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing.

Fun little game, well done! Ludum Dare is no joke, so for this to be your first finished product is very impressive.

Got to here before the lag was getting to be too much. I figured better to kill myself and get a score than wait for my browser to crash lol.