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A member registered Aug 10, 2022

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This game is a masterpiece.

The alluring nature of the consistently used one (1) jpg of Shadow and the intriguing and spicy dialogue, create an experience like no other. 

The 4th wall breaks really give the game a AAA type experience and really immerse the viewer.

The beautiful landscape backgrounds really give the scenes a lifelike feel, and I appreciate them leaving in the watermark, so I can find more the photographer's work.

Truly an experience I haven't gotten anywhere else in my decades of gaming.

- Visuals : 10/10

- Dialogue : 11/10

- Personality : ∞/10

Overall an amazing experience and a game that's truly worth your while.

This game is absolutely beautiful. It made me smile to see such inclusive and heart-touching representation! It made me giggle despite my awful fabric cutting skills! <3