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A member registered Jan 13, 2022

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if you ever choose to update this game again,

could you a an A.I. generated image based on the status of your character please 

this game I feel has beam ng drive potential 

but I've been wrong b4

so the days sometimes seem like they go on forever 

most all of the food is too expensive and even at +10 happiness rate the items are gone by the time you have enough to buy what you want 

my ideas

could you add a trigger zone under the floor so that when the belly gets big enough to clip through it triggers the character as immobile 

I noticed that the happiness points carried over to each character 

so why doesn't the speed that it increases 

make it stack between characters so you can fatten up the new ones quicker

so the apartment part of the game

why not make the player behind the building the landlord of the building 

(would make more sense for the currency to carry over to each character) 

make a calorie mechanic so it's not As easy for the character to gain weight 

in Dr bannanaheads weight loss clinic theres

general weight, arms, and bust 

but where's the belly and butt reduction? 

in the last version I played before you naturally increase 

could you please bring that back

wish his belly jiggled when you walk
always my favorite part of weight gain and yet its mostly left out