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A member registered Aug 29, 2020

Recent community posts

Nobody mentioned airship, why bring it up

Manually.  Click the dropdown arrow on the upper right of this page, then My Library.  Then click Download under Among Us. Download the new version, delete the old.

It's free on mobile only, from the Google Play Store or App Store. On PC, it costs money.

You replied to the wrong person

Right click the downloaded folder. Extract the files. You should now have an unzipped folder. Open it and double click the game to run.

Right click the file in your downloads folder. You'll need to extract the zipped files somewhere, then open that Extracted Folder and run the application

The game very clearly is labeled as being for Windows. Are you running Windows?

Inside the extracted folder should be the files. Click the application.

If voice chat is added, it's gonna be horrible. There's enough trolls as it is.