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A member registered Oct 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much (:

You can rotate blocks by pressing Q. Unfortunately I couldn't implement a proper tutorial/info about the key mapping because I had to submit the project before it was too late. As a workaround, one can find a key map on the Github-Page.

You made me curios about your game, I'll definetely gonna check it out!

Have a nice day!

Hey, thanks for your feedback!

The count is meant to make passing a level a bit harder and increasing the pace a bit. But I agree, the counter is a bit small and likely to be overlooked.

I've already taken into account that 4x1 pieces are more important for this variant of Tetris, so I have assigned specific probabilities to make the 4x1 more likely to be picked than other pieces. If you're interested here are the corresponding constants for the probability (the higher the more likely) in the code:

Have a nice day!

Cool game, kinda hard with a touch pad on a laptop :D

Graphics could be better or rather more creative, still good though.

Thank you for pointing that out, I am super sorry! It was my first time submitting a game on, the files were hidden because I forgot to uncheck a checkbox.

The downloads should be visible now!

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Have a nice day!