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A member registered Jan 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is AWESOME, i'm surprised by how awesome it is! Everything about it is just perfect, the animations are GREAT they completely fit the style. Somehow these extremely thick furries just work soo dam well with the whole style of the game! Great style, art, graphics, gameplay is very nice, fights could be more fluid if we could attack while moving even if just slightly. I am beyond amazed by this game. This game has so much potential, this game could be BIG, like Zelda big. Please somebody give this person a Team!

That was so fckn good lmao
Also, you don't sing bad man or whoever was singing in the end, not bad bro

Nice game! Thanks for being honest about the AI, and especially about replacing it later, keep art alive!

Dude, no joke at all. In my 17's i had for a full week the same nightmares where i'd be involved in a cloud of darkness and a monster that looked PRETTY MUCH LIKE THAT tried to FCKN TRAP ME IN MY NIGHTMARES. I'll play it knowing dam well it might trigger something and come back here later. Since i've heard 2 more people who dreamed something similar i must ask, did you make this game based of an actual nightmare?

I figured out how to play it:
You must complete your tasks as it's said, then stay safe. The office isn't safe, the doors don't work properly.
Your power will run out at some point theres no way to know, but you can recharge it at the toilet.
When u have completed the tasks and the message that your shift is over pops up, go to the door but make sure no girls are following you bcuz if they get you while door is loading you loose.

Ok man, you've officially made this a series and there's no choice now. We will NEED more of these in the future. We've grown found of this rabbit family we'll need to see more of them.

Now i need The Woman From The Door going after little Jane and her daddy Fox who works baking corndogs

Thats was real badass, these things do give me the creeps

This is a masterpiece! It's almost like a first person hotline miami. I need a bigger version of this with a nice storyline!

I must say, i'm beyond surprised!
I was just going to play a little bit of this game and unninstall it in the same night that i got horny and downloaded it. I wasn't taking it seriously, as i never did with any 5ex game, but now i've been playing it every night because it's just too good. I don't even care about the p*rn anymore, i want to see where the story goes, i want Kali to be sucessful, i want to rescue elves, i want to fulfill Lin's dreams, marry her and show the world that elves are equals. This world goes so deep in lore, i've been amazed countless times by this game, i tought Ashley was the shallowest character in there but turns out she's waaay more complex than it shows, the girls all have such a great character development. I've seen some really smart jokes, so many mindblowing stuff being said by the characters, i never expected to be taught a life lesson by a cam girl. Guess i just wasn't expecting a p*rn visual novel game to be so well written. Even tho i can relate to it as i have created a complex fantasy world myself out a sexual fantasy, i never expected anyone would be so determined to actually make something so nice out of it and share it to the world. I might be dreaming high, but i can easily see you selling on Steam a fully voiced and animated spin-off game in this world exploring other generes like action, adventure, maybe not even a NSFW story, this could work with anything, it's so well tought.

Runey, you created an awesome universe there, congratulations to you and if there's more people helping you, congratulations to them too. If i had enough privacy i would gladly become a patreon on this, but all i can do is thank you for sharing this world with us. Keep following your path, you're going places.

(1 edit)

Ive made this account just to comment here because this game represents a sleep paralysis so fckn well. I related so much to this, when i had a sleep paralysis it was EXACTLY like that. Every detail, the way the hands moved, getting up from bed and moving extremely slow and then waking up in bed again hundreds of times. Only thing different i had from this was that the only monster i saw was myself breaking the door with some horns and rushing towards me with a big axe everytime. Masterpiece! If you wanna know how a sleep paralysis feels like, that's exactly it.