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A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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If your game has cats in it, it cannot be below a 5/10.

With all things considered, this is a 10/10. It's really hard and really fun.

I made a mistake in the jam submission, which is why the jam doesn't show up on the right. It still was made for the game jam though!

Good luck! Hope this can become a hobby for you!

This limitation is pretty open, the enviorment can constantly change, the player's stats can change all the time, the enemies can change every second, etc.

I really like this, i loved links awakening, its just sad that this probably wont last through the year because of nintendo being assholes.

I read this like you were snapping at them, but its for a valid reason.

I just strafe a lot, so they dont give me much problems.

it feels like every innovative game uses godot nowadays.

What game engine did you use to make this?

Is this compatable with C++ or C#?

I partly expected the game to end when it said "You are Dough"

What is the minimum/maximum skill level?

I really like it, it could be a fun way to check your keyboard's functionality

nice, love the idea!

i think this one post may have prevented that

rts maybe?

Nice! What engine?

when will sugar be avalible?

what do you use for screenshots?

Is this an English jam?

I was reading to see if i could submit 2 games, when i saw something about a stream. When and where is the stream?


LOWREZJAM 2023 community » General · Created a new topic Screen res?

Does it mean 64x64 screen res? And if so, can I multiply it cuz 64x64 is tiny for gamemaker 2

mustve been on my crt monitor, sorry!

(Real quick: the game isnt a physical game, a physical game is like the keeyp print&play) this game is SHORT, i had to press 5 buttons for my review, and i feel like it couldve been longer, try playing a hat in time's hall of the felines mod, that's a perfect example. The itchio page can use lots of work

The sprites are blurry, everything looks flat, theres no audio, the gun is in a strange place, and there's no death or title screen. Onto the good things: the controls feel responsive, and everything feels slow enough not to be too chaotic if there is a difficulty buff, and it feels fast enough to not drag along. Overall, its a short and sweet roguelite experience.

cute! I expected another random horror game, but its one of my favorite games:  toy games!

looks like something from the genesis, loved that console!

yes indeed (fancy tea sip)

i friggen love this! It takes out all of the difficulty of making sfx for games, and saves lots of time!

pocketmars? P O C K E T M A R S ? !

  1. does titanfall inspired games count?
  2. do small robots count?

Nice game! My only issue is that the mechanics arent clear...

What engine does it use? I wanna make something like it

Thanks! I'll try to fix the bug soon!