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A member registered Jun 15, 2022

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(1 edit)

You can find your projects on this path : C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\SebastianLague\Digital Logic Sim\V1\Projects for now (if you're on windows).
If you want to send files to your friends I recommend sending the folder containing your whole project because there's many files needed for any one chip to work properly.

You can fix this by making OR gates with tri states buffers by connecting each input to both inputs of a tri-states buffer and connecting the output of each tri-state buffer in the output.

It will only output the same output as when a pin is disconnected or 1.  So, it won't repeatedly flash, because the flash is caused by the interaction between signal 1 and signal (Connected and 0)
I have the same problem as you so I think it has to do with our machines, but I don't know for sure.
I think it's not intentional, but at least you will be able to use the sim until Sebestian fixes the bug .

With this new version of Digital Logic Sim there are now 3 states in which a wire can be :

- Real False : it is a completly black color. It happens when an output isn't connected to any chip or input and when a Tri-State Buffer isn't powered in any input.

- False : It has a color of  an intermediate between black and the wire's color (or red for output). It happens when a wire isn't powered but is connected to a chip or an input.

- True : Red or whatever the wire color is. It is when the wire or the output is on (and connected to an input or a chip, of course).

So, has anyone found a way to use these three states in a way that would be useful ? For example, a converter that uses the three states in one input and converts it to two binary outputs (for exemple Real False = 01, False = 10 and True = 11)

I think that it would be pretty interesting to use this new dimension of logic to make more complex chips (I don't really know much about electronics or ternary so maybe I'm wrong), so please if you have any idea on how you could exploit this new state please share it.

Also sorry for my english if it was bad, it is not my first language and I'm trying to improve.

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Not yet, but I can say that BanderaCat is working on it.

He just has to fix a bug or two ( and maybe some UI/QOL improvement for phone) and it will probably be realised.

they don't go away, they just don't appear anymore

It's fixed and updated ! If you don't want to download the new version, you can just make a first empty chip in your project and delete it.

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Hi !
I'm one of the contributors in this project.
1- It doesn't seem too complicated, i'll try to do that.
2-It would be cool, I will suggest it in the github repository.
3-Bandera Cat is working on it, or at least he was.
4-I think he is also doing that.
5-The LEDs screens has been added but it's a bit experimental. The LED don't stay on the created chip however, but it has been reported in the Github Repository's discussion.

It would be really cool to see you in the repository ! If you make suggestions in the "Discussions" tab, they would get much more visibility. I hope to see you there !