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A member registered Jul 29, 2018

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This game is incredible and very very worth playing. It's a decently long game, it took me around 8 hours to finish (and I've only gotten one ending so far). There are many different romance options and choices through out the game. This gives it a lot of variety and I think helps make the experience very customizable fulfilling for the different people who play it. 

 What I enjoyed most about Arcade Spirits was that it balanced romance and the story very well. I found the story to be very well written and engaging. The romance took a secondary role to the story, but I found the romance to also be fulfilling. You had many opportunities to go on dates and spend time with your person and the dialogue was well written and had a lot of heart. 

Here are some other things I liked about the game

  • I loved that there was a character creator AND that I got to choose my own pronouns. The character you create is even included in illustrations throughout the game!
  • I liked the focus on friendship. Regardless of who you decided to romance (or if you decided to romance anyone at all), you're friends with everyone and they're all friends with each other. The game encourages you to spend time with all the character and this doesn't hurt your romance chances.  All the main characters are very lovable and well written and I enjoyed  that positivity, 
  • The game wasn't cruel to the player. It's very easy to be clear about what you wanted and to get it. At he start it asks you  directly if you are interested in romance or friendship and it doesn't pressure you in either direction. It's also very forgiving, You don't have to spend every second with someone to have a good relationship with that character and not every conversation has to go perfectly. You can change your mind about who you want to be with halfway through and that's okay. It's very fun, engaging, and has many choices but it isn't cruel and gives you all the opportunities to get what you want out of the game. 
  • The story had very hopeful and heartfelt themes about overcoming your fears and relying on others.

All and all a very good game, it's clear how much heart and work went into it and it's a very special game that's worth playing.