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A member registered Feb 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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This build has the most numbers in it yet, three, what will they think of next.

This build has substantially increased the size of the download for Space Bus the Final Frontier, which of course means there are some surprises to be found.

A bug has arisen in this latest build however, it would seem that for some reason the floating point precision limitations of Unity are causing the Bus to stop moving after completing 100, 000 kilometers. This is an odd issue as it seems to be random regarding occurrence. Thus the extra number on the build version, as I hope to have solved this bug, or come up with a more elegant solution than simply forcing a to box move millions of units through Unity like a barbarian.

I have uploaded this version because I've updated some other elements, added some goodies, and because sometimes I can still move after the 100, 000 mark, so perhaps you'll have better luck. Take this as a warning however, this version is very probably impossible to complete.

(1 edit)

Welcome to the fourth build of Space Bus: The Final Frontier.

v1.4 updates the bus model and adds some colour although it has yet to be completely textured. I doubt it will get much more detailed than it is now. A main menu has been added, with the options "Start New," "Continue" and "Exit." Also added fun secret stuff and fixed the lighting bug.

The third public build of Space Bus: The Final Frontier has arrived, ironic considering anyone who has downloaded the previous version still hasn't arrived at their destination.

v1.3 is the first pass at a bus model, rather than an ominous grey cube, the bus now has some more interesting geometry, and two thrusters at the rear. A few tweaks have been made to other elements of the game as well such as lighting, which has created a small visual glitch that occurs only once as far as I can tell, wherein the lighting flickers on the model within a few minutes of launching the game.

The goal for the next release will be a textured bus model, squashing any visual bugs, the first implementation of a menu in which the player can "Start New," "Continue" and "Exit."

The second public build of Space Bus: The Final Frontier has been released and features progress saving. When you close the game, it will store the distance you have travelled, and the current amount of fuel in your bus. At this time, there is no way to clear these saved variables conventionally. That will be later implemented alongside a functional start menu.

The goal for the next release will be a new bus model.