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Filippo Marsano

A member registered Jun 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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We just uploaded a new patch, it should fix the issue + other nasty bugs! Have fun ^-^

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Hi! I'm one of the game designers of the game, thanks for the report of this bug. Sadly we are currently investigating on it, it happened to us also a couple of times. I can only suggest you to try and restart the game, it happens only sometimes D:

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Thanks! Sadly right now we don't have any intention to add dubbing to the game. It's a shame though... i think that with your voice you could have dubbed really smoothly

Hi, i'm one of the developer. Thank you for the comment and the funny video about our game XD.

We really appreciate every feedback (and gag) that you gave us during the video and we are working hard to bring the full experience! I saw that in your version for example the mop and the dirty terrains are missing (they have been implemented just recently). Also in a few days we will implement a new obstacle: the drunken demon! Plus a tutorial, so everyone can understand exactly how to play our game instantly ^-^

Thanks again and we hope you can have more fun with our little game! :D

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Hi, i'm one of the developer of the game. Thank you for your kind words: we are very happy that you enjoy our little project this much. ^-^

As Onellama said, that page is still a work in progress so for the moment is just wonky.