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A member registered Jan 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Load autosave which is made every new day. You can only upgrade Lobby to level 3, but there's a bug that allows you to pass that level and freezes the game.

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Play the game and find out :) The one wearing a red dress is your fiancée.

Just did that. Thanks!

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It is one of the rewards for "Ruby Heart" supporters on my Patreon.

Alternatively, you can find yourself how to cheat RPGM easily. It's not a hard engine to customize.

The newest version is available on our Patreon. :)

You just install the new version and overwrite files to update them and continue your play. But alright, have a nice day.

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Let me guess. You do not use found items and upgrades on items that can increase your stats by double?

And use characters skills.

Use otsu smoke bomb/or item on him. He misses most of his skills.

And cooldown MC skills before BOSS has ~50%, kill ninjas fast and make him blind with MC/Otsu skills or item (misses most his attacks then), then uses all MC DMG skills to kill him quickly.

Goons can be wiped in 1-2 turns.

Transfer save folder from old version folder to a new version folder.


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Different games, just similar gameplay mechanics.

Both offers lots of game time hours.

Different games.

Open the "Items" menu and select weapon/armors, that should open an additional menu where you can insert upgrades.

No steam releases are planned. 

It's a free game, you can play it whenever it's uploaded here or support our work in other ways if you think we're doing a good job.

Thank you.