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A member registered Sep 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Its pretty good. Only  thing that bugged me was the coin sound when you kill an enemy. Its too sharp. Had to reduce the sound effects to 0.
Would be nice if that noise was optional. 

Music still didn't make the cut. Mildly upsetting. I worked hard on that. 

I enjoyed the concept of the story. Also, the unique claymation-esc animation style is super cool! 

At first, I turned off when I thought the twist was 'He was crazy all along.'. 

But, I'm glad I tried it again and finished it till the end to see the real twist. Super sad story. Love the surrealism and such. Grats on making your first game! 

Hey! I added my terms of use in the description of the asset pack. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. 
My main concern is folks re-selling them as their own without it being transformative in any way. 

Absolutely. I should probably be more clear in my description in regards to terms of use. 
I don't mind if its used for commercial reasons. I prefer to be credited. I think the only condition is that they aren't re-sold without being transformative. 

Thank you so much. :) 
Its going to be very simple animation-wise as a means to save on time. 
Going for no-budget animation. 

Its going to be more of a skit at the beginning and then its more of a traditional YouTube video. Though I am considering animating an actual story-driven show. But, its something I'd have to think about. 

Ooo gonna use these to make backgrounds for my web series. 
I shall credit you and donate when I can. :)
Its perfect too since I'm going for a cartoony art style. 

Any chance of getting png/gif overlays? 

I have made multiple states for different emotions. But, I'm starting to realize that making states for the same animations is getting tiresome. 

Still, I think this is a great app btw.  This isn't a review. Just a request.

Sorry. Life got complicated. :( 

Hey folks. Sort of decided to take a small break from game dev. But, if I see a jam in the future, I'll definitely take part. 

Привет, ребята. Типа решил сделать небольшой перерыв в геймдеве. Но, если увижу джем в будущем, обязательно приму участие.

Hello! Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Telegram.

Здравствуйте!К сожалению я не знаком с Telegram.

Would you like to exchange discords? 

Хотели бы вы обменяться дискордами?

Sure! Sounds fun! 

Конечно! Звучит весело.

I make 3D models in Blender. 

Делаю 3D модели в Blender.

Absolutely. :) 

Depends on the artstyle. For cartoony simple shapes I can model something quite well. For more realistic characters I tend to use base meshes and work from there.

For translating I've been using google. And, my browser tends to automatically translate which is nice.

Абсолютно. :)

Зависит от художественного стиля. Для мультяшных простых форм я могу что-то смоделировать довольно хорошо. Для более реалистичных персонажей я обычно использую базовые сетки и работаю на их основе.

Для перевода я использую Google. И мой браузер имеет тенденцию автоматически переводить, и это приятно.

I also know a bit of GDScript, but its something I would need to read my notes on if using that engine. 

Я также немного знаю GDScript, но мне нужно будет прочитать свои заметки, если я буду использовать этот движок.

Unity C# coding, 3D modeling, music production and a bit of animation. 

Программирование на Unity C#, 3D-моделирование, создание музыки и немного анимации.


Awesome! And my pleasure. :D
Google translation has gotten better in my opinion. 

Потрясающий! И мое удовольствие. :D

Гугл-перевод, на мой взгляд, стал лучше.

Hello! I noticed that the jam page is in Russian (I think. Sorry if I got that wrong). 

I was wondering if its okay if I join even though I speak English. I wouldn't mind translating any text to Russian as a means to accommodate.


Здравствуйте! Я заметил, что страница на русском языке (могу ошибаться. Извините, если не прав).

Мне было интересно, нормально ли, если я присоединюсь, несмотря на то, что я говорю по-английски. Я бы не прочь перевести любой текст на русский для удобства.

Hey hey! I decided to give you a shout out on my newest post if thats okay. Thank you for being so encouraging. :) 

Absolutely! Oo those are some good ones. I'm going to write them down. 

Thank you so much. Your comments are very nice.

Thank you! I'll definitely give those market places a shot. 

Oy oy! More is coming, All the kind comments have inspired me to get back to this. 

PSX Inspired Pack 2 : What assets would you like to see? - Ps1 Inspired Furniture, Appliances, And Others by FictitiousCtrlGames (

Good news; I've started making more. They will be uploaded in a few days, likely. Maybe less. I have made a thread for folks to throw idea's at me if they would like. 

PSX Inspired Pack 2 : What assets would you like to see? - Ps1 Inspired Furniture, Appliances, And Others by FictitiousCtrlGames (

Oh, its a-comin'. 
I have made a thread for folks to offer ideas. 

PSX Inspired Pack 2 : What assets would you like to see? - Ps1 Inspired Furniture, Appliances, And Others by FictitiousCtrlGames (

I have started a thread specifically for folks to comment on what they want to see. Getting started on some new assets soon. :) 

PSX Inspired Pack 2 : What assets would you like to see? - Ps1 Inspired Furniture, Appliances, And Others by FictitiousCtrlGames (

Your game looks wonderful btw! 

If I'm being honest, I struggle with adhd to an extent that its hard for me to keep up with tasks. However, I am considering making after seeing all this positive feedback. 

My pleasure! Thank you for using em.

I might charge a cheap price for for another asset pack.

I try to make things free, but eventually I'd like to turn some sort of artform into employment. :) 

I'll see if build simple mechanics that also encourage role playing.

Can we have something on the first page functions as a small character sheet? 
Like, perhaps three attributes in a list? 

Howdy. This is pretty fun. Trying to inspire myself with these Journaling RPG's.

I was wondering, what

'K: Full portrait who travels through paintings' is supposed to refer to. 

I understand that it's up to interpretation, so, I've just been interpreting it as 'a painting is involved.' for simplicities sake.  

The 'traveling through paintings' part, I mostly ignore for now. :P 

Hilarious concept! Can't wait to play! 

I started to play only to realize that I need a GM lol. And, I'm a loser with no friends. :P 

But, reading through it, and imagining it, was fun on its own. Like the art work too. 

Super neat! Going to give it a try. :D