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Francisco Fuhro

A member registered Feb 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

HD version of the trailer up in a new channel!

How many puzzles have you found? And have you cleared all the trees and bushes? There are 3 Pines, 3 Ipes and 3 bushes areas to clear, 5 Landmark Location puzzles to clear before the Big tree Puzzle show up! It's a total of 14 things to do before you can do the last one!

Sure, it is stiff... sadly... That's something I wish I had put higher up in the task list. It's unfortunate that you couldn't finish the game, have you found all the puzzles? Thanks for taking your time and leaving feedback! It is important for sure! I plan on improve the game soon(tm) and I'll stream the process on twitch again, and when I do the leaf I'll be sure to remember to give a shout to your feedbacks when I come into fixing them.

Thanks =D

Thank you! That really was the main focus! I'm glad you liked it!

what is this if not a masterpiece