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A member registered Dec 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing!

I am so glad that you found it challenging but still easily finished the game! The controls and everything do get insane!

Excellent video. Thank you.

Hey thanks very much!

I've figured out the issue and it's incredible how accurate your guess was. I also found it looking at the memory usage like you said!

I've got a fixed version live now :D

Thanks again for the help and for the report!
- fffrog3

Hi CoolDotty,

Thank you for posting about this! I've had a couple other reports of the same issue and I'm really sorry about the crashes.

I still can't replicate it happening on my laptop, but as of yesterday I think I might have found the problem! I'll release a patch asap and will message back when it's fixed.

Thanks again for letting me know, and thank you very very much for checking out the game :)

- fffrog3

Thank you so much for playing our game, making a video of it, and the kind words in the comment! Super fun to watch - this has made my day, thank you!

This is so cool! The pink looks gorgeous

this was amazing! made the home run gonna come back for more later :D ⚾

thanks for making a great game.

Thank you! And thanks for playing :)

It means so much to me that you played and found something in this! Thank you for commenting I hope you have a great day <3

The most delightful game I've had the pleasure of playing so far this year. Thank you so much for making this 😭