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A member registered 88 days ago · View creator page →

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Super fun game!!! I love the Vampire Survivor upgrade style!! Great job!

Cool game! But catching the golden egg broke the game :)

None of those greens are getting through that!! hahah

Thanks, that was exactly what we were aiming for :D

Thanks for playing!! And thanks for the feedback!

Thanks, I've never worked with post-processing before but I'll definitely give it a look :)

Awesome game. Really entertaining and fun to play! I like the title ;)

You got me at the 'save the penguins'. Really fun and entertaining :)

Thanks for playing :)

You can play mine too if you want! I'm just getting started in game development and I would love some feedback :)

I LOVE THE ART. The vibe, the art, the music, I love how cozy it is!

Really cool!!! The game is super entertaining and enjoyable, and the art is really cool too. Love the idea!

I love the cozy vibe you have going. How you have to place the plants correctly to slowly create a better environment for better plants, is really cool. And the art, OMG!!! Really great game, congrats!

Really cool concept!!! I love how difficult it is to control the spaceship, it's really fun!

(1 edit)

I love the cozy vibe of the game. Just set up a few towers, enjoy the cozy music, and watch as the green disappears ^^

Love it! Super cool concept. I suddenly caught myself trying to beat my high score!

Really cool game. I love the art style!!!

Thanks a lot!

Really cool concept! I love how controlling the wizards feels.