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A member registered Sep 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Some ideas were scrapped during development because the game was getting too large for what it is. Thirdington was originally going to be the fourth city and be named Fourside.
If that would've been a bit too much on the nose is up for debate.

I am considering making more with this, the sizeable amount of feedback would then of course be incorporated, starting with the driving. This won't be in the near future, if at all.

Thanks for playing!

I've put your suggestions in the latest update, including the hit box visual.
Thanks for playing!


Whoops, forcing the car downwards always after a crash was a mistake I missed, but that's fixed now. I've also sped up Ufo the IFO significantly with the latest update. I'm considering adding more (i.e. any) checkpoints for the surfing, perhaps more in the car sections.
Thanks a lot for the concrete feedback! Much appreciated.

(The bouncy maze is optional if not going for 100%)

I get the feeling Generic Fishing Game (it was even more relaxing than advertised) and my shenanigans in Lampyrid Fog have caused some trust issues with my audience. And it's very entertaining.

For real though, that's all the secrets in Scorched Sea.

Puzzling, but glad it works now. Thank you for keeping me updated.

I highly suspect your cookies are not saved properly. When you start up the game, does the game greet you with the image below?

If not, local save data is lost somehow at some point (lamp and clues depend on global save data), which could also be a weird Itch-specific issue. I'm afraid there's a high likelihood it's out of my control, but I'll have a thorough look at it.

Maybe switch browsers or wait until the Armor release if you're willing to give it another attempt.

(1 edit)

Yes, I still think this hitbox makes the most sense as well. However, for the next update I'll see if having the option to make the hitbox visible during that session improves it and if it doesn't get too cluttered visually.
Thanks for the feedback!

Amidst the Sky's direct sequel got decently far into development (see: old blog post). As of now it has about twice the content as the entirety of the original.
It'll be a while before I continue that though, as I'm working on some smaller projects and finishing Cursed Travels: Sunken City first.

Yes, a remake with way more content:
- Tweet with visuals
- Tweet with some thoughts

Sidenote: the background you see in the first tweet is the background that took me the most time to make ever (so far).

Hey, welcome, glad you liked it. I have the mechanics, settings and structure for multiple possible sequels on paper (digital paper, that is). Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever have the time to actually make them.

Hi! I made this one in GameMaker Studio. Nowadays, I use GameMaker Studio 2 for my projects. I'd recommend it for 2D games, and there's a free version iirc.

Well, close. The main room has the following pieces of decor, every single one on a different depth, from furthest away to closest to the player:

- Stars and the moon (stationary)
- Wall with large windows
- Scaffolds with stairs in between
- "Scaffolds" hanging from the ceiling
- Crates on the floor
- Diagonal support bars
- More "scaffolds"(?) hanging from the ceiling
- More crates on the floor
- Vertical support bars
- Lamps and chains hanging from the ceiling
- More diagonal support bars
- More lamps and hooks hanging from the ceiling
* Layer with the player where the actual game takes place

That's 12 in the background (not counting the player), although technically the mountains you see in the intro are still present, but I don't think you can actually see them anywhere through the windows in that room. If you count those, that'd be 14 differently moving parts of background.

Uhh, good question. Right now I have no plans for other platforms, but that could change.
I'll look into it more, but from what I gather there might still be options via Steam for certain Chromebooks(?)

Of course, fanart is always appreciated! The main character's hair colour is still a mystery though.

Ah, you were right, it oftentimes overwrote the largest size without it being the actual largest. Fixed it!
Thanks for playing; glad it was relaxing as intended.

Huh, you're right, nice find. Luckily, it doesn't seem to break the game. Putting it on the list of small fixes for whenever I'm putting the first 4 Cursed Travels into a bundle.

Thanks! Sunken City will be an entirely new game; all brand-new content.
Might do a bundle of the webgames with extras at some point (before or after Sunken City), but that'll be a separate thing.

It is extremely unlikely (unfortunately) that I'll have the time to make an entire sequel for this, however I did play around a bit with that idea a long time ago. After some digging around I found a little concept art I made:

Thanks for the feedback, appreciated! With these "smaller" Cursed Travels web games I'm playing around a bit with the gameplay and whatnot to see what works. As such, I expect people to like other entries more than others.

I think you'll like the fourth web game in the series more, and the big Sunken City themed game will focus a LOT on the aspects you mentioned liking, so keep an eye out for that as well!

Assuming the names of the files are still correct, the tracks are called:
- Passing Time in an Escape Pod
- Enjoy a New Day
- Deep Space Ballad (which you already found)

Yeah, multiple people have suggested the boss could be more interesting, so I'm currently making an effort to make the boss of the next one a lot more exciting.
However, the focus with these games is mostly on the puzzles, so don't expect anything too crazy.

(.eno taht gnicrofeturb ton no boj doog ,haH)

Just for you, I've just now added those sounds to the next Cursed Travels game I'm currently working on as well.

Is your browser saving progress? When on the second level, try quitting the game (press P, then Q). If the Continue option isn't there on the title screen, the game is unable to save your progress.
If this is the case, avoid playing in incognito mode, or if you weren't anyway: check your browser settings or switch browsers.

If you mean you aren't given a second SealBreaker(tm), did you put down the first one at the correct place long enough and then talk to Fargleton?

Ah, thank you for reporting, I'll fix that right away.
Good job on finding the secret room by the way.

Don't worry, contrary to Amidst the Sky and Drifting Among Worlds, there's a way to get (warp, perhaps I should call it) back after you've seen the Secret Ending.

Just took a look at the code, because I was curious too how I had implemented that. The answer is nope.

Hey thanks!
You'll probably enjoy the first/previous one in the series too then: Flame of the Banshee. And perhaps check out Lost in Firefly Forest as well.
Also FYI, I'm currently working on a third and a fourth Cursed Travels.

I don't know how to aswer that without it seeming like bragging, which in itself already sounds a bit like bragging.
Just keep in mind that I've played my games more than anyone, for obvious reasons.

Ah, good catch, will fix that spelling error whenever I update the game.

Glad you liked it!
Yes, saving cookies was always a requirement for my games (and most web games in general), but this time I decided to add a little message if that isn't working. Thank you for the additional insructions.
Also, the game seems to work fine on Firefox on all my devices, so that might not even be on the game. Will look more into that though.

Awesome, thanks for playing! Challenging was definitely what I was going for.

I can definitely see how it looks like that (other people have mentioned it as well). Just to be clear: it's supposed to be the priests waving, from a side perspective.
That said, the misunderstanding is honestly pretty funny, so I haven't changed it (yet?).

That wall-jumping is just a weird artifact of the way collision works in this game.
So yeah, a bug. But not a detrimental one luckily, and it was found quite some time after the game was released, so I never fixed it.

Long answer because I did put some thought into this once and that's a fun question:

Before I started making games on a regular basis, I did have the idea of all of them taking place in the same universe at least, although some in vastly different points in time. So that would be a world filled with mysterious artifacts, ancient buildings, and the occasional curse.
I'm not sure if one could still argue that makes sense, but Duality of Opposites could be like an arcade game that exists in that world for example, and then Warper might take place in a distant future. I haven't really done anything concrete with that idea though (yet?).
In other words: I wouldn't say there really is an "official" canon right now, so I'd like to think your take is as correct as mine.

That said, this might change, but currently my idea was that the Cursed Travels protagonists and the Temple/Tower guy know each other. I'm thinking the Soul Mirror person is active in their world as well, same for the Firefly Forest character. Things are still moving around in the Amidst the Sky sequel's story, so uhh let's leave it at that.

That's the first time I think that anyone has claimed they found the secret room. I had almost given up hope. Well done!

All I will say is that you are on the right track.
And I'm not sure if anyone has found the secret room in Tower of the Scorched Sea (sadly).

That's very likely, I originally released this one on Kongregate in early July 2019. It wasn't until semi-recently that I finally put all of my games here on Itch as well.

Thank you, there might be a secret room somewhere in this one...
Nobody has mentioned finding it yet though, so I'm starting to wonder if maybe I made a bit too secret.

Interesting, I hadn't considered that for that part. Will look into it and most likely include that in a next small optimisation/little fixes update. Thank you!