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A member registered Sep 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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Very relaxing game.

Great as always!

That was great!
(2 edits)

Ran into a few bugs that removed any sadness that could have been there, mostly because I didn't shoot the deer I just picked him up.

I love the creepy feeling you gave the house.

Everything seems to fit together, you can't tell if its buggy or intended. The perfect mix!

I liked the art style.

I liked the claustrophobic feeling.

Took me a little too long to find the key. Nice game!

Made me feel uneasy.

I enjoyed exploring your game!

I had to actually write stuff down, nice game!

I was so confused I'm still not sure if I broke the game, but I had fun exploring.

I really like the VHS effect.

I like the environment you managed to create.

This is pretty fun!

I love the idea and I would love to see more personalized horror games!

It's pretty satisfying beating up fart monsters.

This is pretty fun. I would like to see what more you do with it.

I like the creepy atmosphere you have created

Of course I want to know what's in the box!

Man this would make a great movie, everyone would be so confused they would tell people they got it so they seem smart. Also makes a great game!

Who would have known a fishing dating sim would work?

I did not beat this game, but I did have fun playing!

The last room started to get to me. I also got stuck trying to climb the cake.

This has some wonderful puzzles, I enjoyed trying to figure them out.

I had fun exploring your game!

This was way more fun then I thought it was going to be!

This is surprisingly hard, also pretty fun.

This was pretty great i had a few issues getting wall running to work but I think it was just me. I would love to see more.

Oh man I didn't notice this was a horror game until I was already playing. I had fun playing!

This was pretty fun, I loved smashing windows and doors!

This was pretty fun to walk around in and figure out.

This was pretty cool

This game is pretty cool, I enjoyed the story.

I'm not sure how to describe this game but its fun to walk around in.

Just like your other games I thoroughly enjoyed this one!