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A member registered 46 days ago · View creator page →

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kindof, but you can get the good ending by strategizing what you spend your money on and when.

(1 edit)

spells were kinda difficult to use, turns out i just needed more mushrooms. (4 min mushroom%, can be faster)

Some comments as the author that I didn't feel  were appropriate in the description:

This is the first time I've made a game in Unity. (Why Unity? It seems so unpopular? Because I like C#, especially when it comes to development speed over C++.) I would have loved to have an extra day to work on it, but I had to submit it early because of work 🥲. I also got a really late start because I wasted a whole 2 days trying to figure out how to add letterboxing by drawing a 480x360 texture onto the backbuffer. I didn't realize you could just modify the viewport of cameras.
Personally, part of me feels disappointed by this product, but part of me not. The gameplay is only a little more than a visual novel, and as a programmer, I was hoping to implement some fun gameplay. Unfortunately the creativity wasn't there. Where the creativity was instead was in the art/theme. I've never been an artist, nor do I have hardly any graphic design experience. Most of the development time, I spend on some "half-assed" assets, but honestly, I think it actually looks kinda cool? Additionally, I did a lot of research on alchemy because of this project, and that was super cool. Even though what I made isn't what I was expecting myself to make at all, I'm really happy that A) I participated and B) I actually finished a project for once.