Sorry to hear what happened to Card Armory. I was looking forward to having physical copies of a number of the pieces (and ones from the other pack as well). But what are you going to do, Nintendo is going to Nintendo after all
Fen Longpaw
Recent community posts
Is there any kind of window of time slightly more specific than "coming soon" for that link? A few days or weeks from now? After the holidays? I don't mean to pester, but saying that the cards will be available for a limited time but can't be ordered yet puts pressure on the customer to not miss the chance to use something they paid for (the access link) and having nebulous start and end times for that opportunity is a bit of unneeded stress.
There's also a guide that's supposed to help Game developer guide · The app book - itch.i
Lovely fun game.
A suggestion/request though: The archive version works when you download and unzip it, but has their own client as an option for keeping games up to date, and the archive doesn't appear to be formatted in a way that the client can read/install/manage it. Any chance you could look into making Bunny Hunter, and hopefully Bunnygotchi, compatible with the itch client?
Fixed flawlessly! Thank you very much.
Yeah, itch has had a client of its own for a bit now. I have no experience as a creator on it, so it may or may not help you there, but as a user one of the things it has is sandboxing the applications you install through it to help safeguard your system. That's not on by default, but still a very conscientious offering on the platform's part, particularly given the nature of many of the projects hosted.