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Faye Zhang

A member registered Nov 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed the demo! Loved the idea + mechanics felt super fluid. The puzzles definitely had places where I had to improvise - enjoyed it immensely!

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I love the calming feeling of this game, especially from the art and design of sitting around the campfire! After figure out how to feed the player and gift items to other characters around the campfire, I found the overall game engaging and fun.

Love this! I really enjoy how calm and relaxing the game is. The idea of sharing messages with everyone else is really creative.

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I love this game! When I started playing it, I couldn't put the game down because of how charming the story and the characters were. Thank you <3

This game was super fun overall and I loved the educational aspects of it and how it ties into the story. I loved the interactions between the characters and had fun overall with the story and the quirky beats! Keep up the good work! :D