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A member registered Aug 17, 2021

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I need a team, only know unreal and blender game engine.

You are too great for me. But if need a novice on UE4/C++ and exist place on the team i would like join to improve portfolio, teamly skills, and english practices.

Great. My discord


I can join in your teamling. I only have some experience with BGE/Python, and Unreal/C++, work with 3D.

Now need some projects to improve my portfolio to find job, and practice some of clean code and design patterns. I never join a jam and cannot work in a team with github. Just have many desires to learn development rol.

And also improve my english practices.

Afortunately you get a work, congratulations. Now its my turn to get it, but first need to join in the jam and finish some projects. :)

Good afternoon mr Ozwaar.

I like a team to colaborate in this jam because i have not experience working with another people.

My main role is developer of preference with Unreal 4.26/C++ on 3D.

The objetive is make a project finished to augment portfolio and get job in this area.

If you yet interested on join in the jam, i will help your.

Tengo que mejorar mi ingles, pero aun me queda pendiente revisar los ejemplos de Unreal, y poner en practica codigo limpio y los principios SOLID.

Busco algun equipo donde participar, aprender, y practicar cuanto pude aprender en desarrollo.
No tengo mucha experiencia en el area, ya que aun sigo siendo un desempleado.
Tengo fundamentos de programacion, modelado, y animacion.
Aun me falta poner en practica patrones de diseño, codigo limpio, y control de versiones con Github.

Mi principal rol es el de programador.
De preferencia me gustaria participar en un proyecto en 3D, con Unreal/C++ porque es ahi donde tengo algo mas de practica y necesito perfilarme y aumentar el portafolios para buscar empleo en el rubro.

Off course, i can read and write on english, but i leave the practices two month ago for learn more of Unreal/C++.