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Fatty Pete

A member registered Dec 23, 2019

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Super fun!!! Immense design, every level is such a fun puzzle. Need more pronto, I adore it!

(1 edit)

This game is fucking hysterical. Lost my mind when I opened the inventory and Hermes was there described as a useful tool. Now all that's left is to figure out which plan lets me murder the shit out of Elraz.

I teared up at the end. Whiffed the dodge and Baker put me on the floor. Then I watched the cinnamon roll that is Timmy die. I can relate to Lavender, not exactly to the same extent, but I've been there, so watching Timmy die was like watching my little brother die. I understood why it had to happen. I didn't care though. It's my job to protect him, and I failed. I haven't played a game that kicked me in the balls this hard in years, fantastic work!

The only thing I ever had trouble with were the pools of acid/miscellaneous liquid. In a game so fast paced it felt a little unfair to instadeath when falling in one. They aren't very wide spread thankfully, adore the game though. So much fun.

Breakneck paced shooter with stupid deaths and stupider wins what the hell isn't to love?

Love this game to death. The dry comedy style, beautiful pixel art, and especially the banging tunes while I played. This is why i'm here. To find absolute gems like this wonderful game. Thanks Albin.

that was great!