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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game was fun to play especially watching the character animation. I thought the background really matched the theme. Platformer was a little difficult but could easily be fixed with a wider camera or a direction of where to go.

This puzzle game was fun to play and I enjoyed the variety of puzzles that were featured. One thing I noticed was that some maps felt a little dull with nothing in the room whole some maps had many different items/buildings lying down making that map feel more like a world. Overall, I thought it was a good game.

I thought this game was really well made. The UI change from the beta to the final build in terms of text placement was much better. The point and click combat felt smooth and the level with the unkillable enemy was a neat idea that was implemented well with the navmesh. It did not feel like it was neither too fast or too slow.

I really liked the animation that was used for the different snowball moves and I thought that the auto air attack feature you guys implemented was really cool. The game was nice that sometimes you would fail and die by hitting spikes but you would learn and do something different the next time.

I really liked this game and thought the enemy tracking was fun to play around. I think the way to unlock the code was really unique.

I thought this was nice and funny game to play. The idea of purely eating food for a game is something I havent seen before and thought it was nice. The only thing I would have liked to see would be a player model but besides that it was good.

I thought this game was really unique and liked how there were different modes to choose from. The package information was pretty detailed and I liked the use of the continuous time that helped to determine if you successfully delivered a package.

I enjoyed playing through this game and really liked how each level and different color themes to represent the feelings. I thought the use of the enemy spawner was cool for street map and liked how they kept on spawning.

I don't really play text games but I thought this was quite enjoyable. Having different options to choose really felt like I was in control and made it fun when seeing something that I caused.

I thought this was a fantastic game and enjoyed the puzzles. The levels were nice and intricate and the use of the colored portals was a nice addition. I am definitely the type to play this game especially going on a subway. The different backgrounds for each level added on to the design as well.

The game felt really smooth from previous tests and even from the previous assignment. The design  and animation of the wall jump was really cool and seeing the how you guys applied kinematics to it.

I really liked the game design especially the puzzle concept. I thought solving the circuits was really cool and similar to spiderman games I have played. I also appreciated the size of the interact and shoot button as some games have too small of buttons to use.

I really liked the design of the game and how the deer model keeps going forward no matter what. It made it so that you had to make decisions while you play and couldn't go back if you missed a collectible. I think besides adding more sound effects, the game was good.

The world is so big and the level are very intricate. Some objects in the levels didn't get sprite like the spikes but I thought that the level music volume was perfect.

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I really like the sprite and soundtrack. The jumping and shooting feel really nice. The music was super cool but it restarted everytime you hit a new level which was a little bit off.

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I really like the sprites and sound effects. I thought the effects really immersed you into the game. The changing However, I thought the background with stars like level 2 was kind of distracting and I couldn't focus on the character. I also thought the platforms with the fast speed was really cool.