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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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(1 edit)

I encountered this problem too.

I tried this act a couple of times. I did finish it today, doing the same things I did before, just skipping dialogues and in order.
I think the problem was with Frippone - I'm not entirely sure, but I think I didn't get the last dialogue, about sitting on the bench. 

I think previously I did not do the things related directly to Morglot's problems in order. I can try to reproduce it, although I don't know if I can retrace my steps. 

Well, that was a kick in the feels.

I've been there. Trying to keep to myself, not provoke more bullying, watching others being punished and being happy it's not me this time. And revenge fantasies. I've read Enders Game back then. Ender-killing-his-bullies really spoke to me. Had Eldritch Power given me the opportunity to do that, would I? I like sumirufus take in the comments on all this.

Anyhow. I really like how you use the medium. Soundtrack, fonts, how the text is presented, how soundtrack is used to set the mood (and it's a good soundtrack). I was not sold on how the backgrounds looked at first, but I got used to it rather fast. And I love the character art. And those panning shots.

The tension bulid up is great. And the "catharsis" did not feel cathartic at all. In the end it made me feel empty. And sad. Which I think was the point.

It's short, it's mean and it will stay with me. Congratulations. Well done.

Any idea why I can't install it through Itch app (on Win10)? It's not a big problem, but it's strange. After clicking Download or Install in App, a window pops up with two fields, one where you choose a version to install, and a second with an installation path. The first field is empty, there is nothing to choose. I had the same problem with Lycanthorn II, but today I tried again while installing some other games, and it worked. Shrine II still doesn't. Sometimes it displays "cannot read property 'build' of undefined" error message. Not always, though.