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A member registered Sep 02, 2015

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(1 edit)

Tried a few levels this morning.  There's some fun here, but I did note few issues that made me struggle to get a good feeling in game:

  • The sudden loss of travel when landing discourages jumping and generally makes you feel like a sluggish character.
  • I miss being able to drop through a thin platform I'm standing on (i.e. D-Pad Down + Jump), especially as if you have to drop off to the side for some puzzles, you feel like you're not fighting the puzzle layout so much as the time penalty from the landing slowdown above.
  • Reusing the L stick for the throwing is another choice that feels like it constrains my movement/makes me less fluid when I could be moving with L and throwing with R.  Appreciate this may be an accessibility choice, but I feel like I'm going to get tired in one hand more than the other if I want a prolonged game.
  • Something's up with the platform hitboxes and landing.  You can stick below the level of the platform.
  • Magnet interaction with one way platforms seems inconsistent.  In some places you can pass through, in some you can't.
  • Hanging off a rope, I feel like jump should also allow you to disconnect (even if it doesn't give you any vertical boost).