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A member registered Sep 22, 2019

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ok thanks again i'll look in the bedroom

ok thanks for the feed back 

wow this game is everything i ever wanted to play thank you dave

make this a multi ending game dave plz 

my requst has been filled thanks dave 

sorry but dora dose not even look like dora! but hell is it scary you should add boots to it too 

im sold this game is so good that you shoud charge for it!

i pissed when i played this game, another good game dave!

i love this game, good work dave!

so i downloaded this and played all the endings, so i thougt but then i watched a youtuber play and he killed the monster with a gun he got at the armory but i play 10 times and i could not find the keycard i think it's not spawning so this is ether a bug or i keep on missing it when it's in front of it. dave plz help

i have the money to buy it but i don;'t want to pay with paypal is there another way i can pay or do i just have to use paypal