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A member registered Dec 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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rblx drip

I like the story and Concept, only if working at a food chain was as wholesome as this -_-

i also wonder what tankman would sound like too.....

it says it will be at risk but there is no risk,it just doesn't recognize the publisher since muffin isn't some huge corporate business.

yeah, heres the ndll file  and un zipped funkin

it doesn't allow me to scan the zip folder, but extracting the zip is the exact same file as the zip file, except it being not a zip file.


yeah, then when its done extract the files, and rename the folder if you want open folder, and click Funkin 2 times.

nah extract the files, open folder and double click the file called Funkin

np  man, bop in peace.

it might be settings for virus defender, because when you download it says unknown publisher even though there isn't a virus. maybe its a setting that automatically stops the file because of security issues.

which version are you downloading 64 or 32 bit

what search engine?

nah it isn't, its just because windows doesn't know what  publisher- ninjamuffin99 is

its because your chromebooks's igpu is so bad it cant run 32 bit pixels.

does your chromebook come with a cpu cooler(probably not) your cpu is limiting its self because the game is too much for it, its probably a cpu with integrated graphics so it isn't optimized for gaming in the first place. it isn't the game that is badly optimized it's just how badly designed chromebooks are.

why would you pay like 400 for 1 free game.... you could also just hook a up controller to your pc?

i also wonder what hank and tankman would sound like, i thought hank would sound like pico before week 3 but now pico now has the mumble rapper voice. I hope it isn't some lousy voice like a week 1 or 6 voice since hank looks like he'd have a deep voice.


i still remember the newgrounds vid for fnf like 2 months ago, they were going to add pico(done) tankman and hank (girl with hat too).But 4 weeks later in the game and these chars aren't here. I wonder if they stopped on those chars or work is being done on them.... looking foward to hank in game though.

nah most likely the cpu is hot or getting to its max capacity so its bottlenecking so that it doesnt blow up

ik fam i'm in the same boat i feel u

it's not the game its your cpu choking (if you have a chromebook) because there's no cpu fan

if you want to try searching up how to put a chromebook in dev mode and take out all that weird shit on the chromebook. though dont erase everything, 1 so u dont break it and 2nd so you dont look sus to your teachers.

if u update your chromebook to recent version(might not apply to all)  os should let you port games thru linux, therefore try using the linux download, in my school they blocked linux so i had to go in config to disable that and other things, if that doesnt work well idk man idk.

it should if linux is enabled and remember to extract the zip file

there is a os download now try that

it would be cool but it would be hard to setup controls, and the fps drops you would get too.

you gotta give me a tutorial on how to make games like this, this is exactly the art style i would use