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A member registered 49 days ago · View creator page →

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This is a really great game. The mobility options you have felt quite nice. Art and Music made the game feel very cozy and laid back. I vibe with it while playing.  Simple controls and easy to pick-up. I can see this game would be really fun to speed run.  

Little bit of feedback:

  • I was caught off guard by the water and I thought it was floor. The color is similar to each other. Making it a much brighter shade or a different color will help distinguish the two
  • Button inputs could be set to the keyboard instead of the mouse click, makes it easier to have the potions and actions on one hand. (Maybe UIO for potions, J for empower, K for dash and L for Attack)
  • SFX would add a nice to touch to the game

Great job for a first-time game!

The game plays really well and I like the mechanics. I can find myself spending hours playing this game and trying to solve the puzzle.

Good Game!

I love everything about this game! Art, Music, and Gameplay! Made it all the way the end first try! Even purposely lost on my second playthrough to see the lose screen. 

Overall very fun and cute game, 10/10!

Given that this was made in 2 weeks is really impressive! The enemy sprites during combat looked amazing. The combat was creative, and I was often racking my brain on what combo I should do to capture an enemy. I often killed the snail rather than capturing it with salt. 

Overall, really solid game!

Thank you for the wonderful feedback! Admittedly the rooms are really dark we're going to look into toning it down. If you made it past the thick circle runes it means you beat our game! Unfortunately, the furnace doesn't work right now so we can't put you in the win screen ;-; Were looking to fix that as soon as we can update the game after the jam.

Thanks for again for playing!

The art looks phenomenal! I like the gameplay and the little alchemy minigame between days. Minor nitpick is that instead of holding to pour contents on a cup I just have to click once.  Overall, I really enjoyed it, solid game.