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A member registered Dec 26, 2022

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thats good. and yeah, kinda the same for me, hope your doing well

how are things going?


no, not seen at all

me again, let it be known that i did the very hard challenge on the final mission, getting the russain girl without getting at least level one detection

I am, and i can't imagine what your going through at the moment

me again, how are things now?

yeah, i know you'll do great no matter what.

i know, dont overwork yourself and i wish for more things to be shown, and the return or debut of the submissive training for the girls

its me again, how are things right now?

I know you will.

ok, just found that out, its still a fun game, just wished there was more to do after, even seeing if the submitting the girls would have been cool to do, but i understand time and effort is a must working on these things.

(1 edit)

thanks, and i hope to see the new and improved game get updates in the future, wish you luck. 

P.s: Just to define what i mean, can you run out of space for women in the game or is it not the case?

I just got the game, the old one, and its been very fun, though i do have quetions, if the safe house gets full, what do i do, second, i got the info eye about the docks vip lady, how do you accept the mission and where to go?