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A member registered Apr 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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i'm HIS biggest fan idgaf-

right so like i need him ;v;

i can fix him!! :> 

i loved this game !! emma is my favorite character and i was super happy to play this all the way through and get all the endings. i wish i had a second opportunity to give away the necklace though, i guess that's why you look for items sooner than later. oh, i also noticed the gallery is save file exclusive, but i don't mind all that much. i had a blast with this game, it feels like someone made my ideal idv fangame. LOL

i'm the kind of person who will ignore the warning at the start, using my keyboard anyways, and then finding out why i definitely shouldn't do that. (i still got STRAIGHT B's though!! i'm a keyboard MASTER)

lemons do not bleed. a textbook example of misinformation.

👍 :>

Somehow I actually enjoyed the small talk. I know it's supposed to be uncomfortable but it made me feel almost calm hearing him ramble on. I don't know if that's sad or not. Maybe I need to get out more.

its very fun! i loved the vocaloids used in the songs, i heard some una or cyberdiva in there, maybe meiko.

i'm loving the new tape. it adds so much more and i'm very happy with it. i got to actually play it blind after the game was updated and my windows defender had no problems with it anymore. im super excited to see where this game goes in the future.

I tried to download this but Windows Security was like-