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A member registered Nov 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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thanks mate!!

Really great plan. Incredible work with the character controller and all the awesome shaders you've made

Ah got it. Thanks a lot, I'm really loving this add on.
I found the older version here

Ah ok. After reading your comment, I got blender 2.79. But now sprytile seems incompatible with that version of blender. Is there a way to download an older version of sprytile so I can have it work with the old blender?

I love this program, but I really need to use Decal Layers. Right now the feature isn't available in sprytile, and I see that I have to update in order to get. The thing is, I don't have the option to update Sprytile at all. It's not there in the preferences window. 
I've read that you need to use the blender Addon Updater, which actually involves editing the source code with python. Is this true? I've made an attempt but it was way beyond my ability.

Hello! Sorry, I didn't expect anybody to find this. The character clips through walls because he's following the red ball. I'm using movetowards.

You need to use a controller to play this game, and it may not work on most  browsers. Apologies, i started development just today

Hold out the item you want and wait for the thief to attack. If it's the correct item, you'll stop his attack. There are 5 items in the boat's hull.