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A member registered Nov 16, 2021

Recent community posts

How to unlock prisoner :( Great game regardless though!

If you walk around in game, the realization will JUMP at you i promise

Looks awesome so far! Been a huge fan of your work! When the enemies pin you and you struggle for domination, is there going to be a system in place like in the fight club one where you can change positions or will we always be stuck in the same position, trying to dominate the other?

This is a masterpiece. I love this. Can't even lie I was pretty depressed before playing and it literally cured my depression for the night. Thank you, this is lovely, please keep doing what your doing. I will be supporting your patreon soon!

is it animated?

This has become my favorite game in the genre even with the limited content, the enemies are incredibly sexy, the animation is divine, the pixel art is gorgeous, and the functions that are implemented now are fun and interesting! Obviously I wish there was more, I really can't wait to see what comes next for the game, once my job steadier I plan to support your patreon!