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Exiled to Elba

A member registered Jan 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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well, despite having a fairly enigmatic developer, this one shows promise and is already pretty good

There is little to say about this game that hasn't already been said. The characters have so much depth and intrigue that they almost seem real, every word spoken by Amicus or Virginia or any number of characters from the cast being exceptional in delivery and direction.

The game initially wears a veneer of a lighthearted, fun visual novel in which you get to date a big, fluffy wolf. But soon, the thin veil is lifted, revealing a compelling and beautiful narrative that dances with incredibly emotional topics and flows effortlessly, hooking anyone on the spot.

The art is also amazing, and the creative direction of the VN cannot be overstated. Classical Roman and Greek architecture lines every inch of this novel, the amazing and beautiful style flowing with a clear passion, even integrating itself squarely in the story, among the brutish wolves.

Overall, this story is incredible in many ways. I think that everyone should try it. Nevertheless, it does have some minor flaws, at least in my opinion, in pacing, the exposition seemingly grating at some points. But overall, it's an amazing experience, demonstrating excellence in all manners.

Yours truly,

E.T. Elba

(1 edit)

After playing the demo, I have to say that in all measures, this is an outstanding VN. The art is downright stunning and characters are hardly archetypal, with unique and engaging stories for every single one. Not only that, but over the course of the demo, though presently it's rather short, there are already enough spurs of intrigue and activities to get to know the cast better to keep you entertained for hours, not to mention the many paths already present. 

It is also expertly written and directed, driving a compelling story that gives complete liberty to the player, without feeling forced at any point. It even finds chances to show off the amazing art by bringing several beautiful set pieces into the story, improving upon the already exhilarating and emotional journey on which we are just beginning.

Overall, this is an outstanding work, in which I am wholly enthralled, and am so excited to see develop in future. I rarely write reviews but I felt this is a due exception, and I think everyone should give this a shot at least once.

Yours truly,

E.T. Elba