hi, i'm late.. :(
it is unusual..
in editor, the mask only work first time.
but, in build version, the mask work correctly.
it seem to so unusual...
i'm using in UI Mode and changing text in runtime.
the Mask Component is work well first time changed text in playing.
but, the Mask is not work after that.
how can i do to work the Mask?
the STM is don't work the "read" method in setting the automatically read toggle is false.
can you make to work that in next update?
i wish that the SuperTextMesh is had a new function is related draw animation.
Of course, draw animation is still very useful, but there is no way "per line" for draw animation.
So, i have used by tweaking some codes.
it was so simple works, just copy and paste the "per word" 's code and erase the parts of about "space", "tab" or etc..
i hope it is added as officially.
thank you!!