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A member registered Dec 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yep the two biggest problems with this game IMO are the steep learning curve and the terrible interface. I might get around eventually to improving the interface. That could also help the learning curve somewhat.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Good to know about the difficulty curve, it can be hard to tell how hard it is when playing your own game.

You can actually already manually control the turning and thrust of the ships, but only one at a time. If you double-click a unit, it will lock the camera onto it, then you can right click anywhere to turn and hold W to use thrusters.

haha maybe you haven't played many games then. Glad you liked it though

Ok, I tried it again and it does work now.

The presentation and interface are nice. I think the biggest improvement for me would be to have more complex situations with deeper interactions, where the player has to make difficult decisions based on the information available, and the choices really affect the outcome of the situation.

Hi David, the game does not run. The included "Play The Last Boundary.lnk" file has an absolute path to your documents folder, so it won't work if the program is anywhere else. Also, running the writer program gives the error "entry point not found".