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Exalted Gamers

A member registered Sep 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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yea im looking to fix that after the jam rating are done thank you for letting me know

left click on the stroller when you are close to it im looking into adding something to make that a little easier to guess 

thank you i will looking into fixing that after the jam

thank you for your feed back I was thinking of adding a sound que and a crying animation to help with that. ill will looking into adding after the jam ratings are done  

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agree that a great idea and will look into it for sure

love the game needs a kick the dog feature lol jk

the movement was by design but ill try it with full 8 directional movement to see how it feels. the flashlight was use to kill the white face shade that chase you I want to go back fix the art and add animations do levels instead of a giant level add sounds fix the shades pathing system so it wont get stuck  on walls and add a ui to show how many notes you collected  and flashlight batterie

Thank you I hope to get way better and make longer games lol

well I may i had some other enemy and a really want to fix the animation but if i do ill probably restart to fix the size to resolution so u can see the player sprite better 

nice it working now fun game really enjoy the art style felt like a retro game 

hey they game loads but i only see part of the screen and cant do anything not sure if it on my end or not tho

truth be told i was using GameMaker studio 2 before hand and this was my first game with construct 3 and i wasn't aware of how the viewports work so i create the project with a large 4:3 aspect that was way to big so it mess up the zoom but i think i know how to fix it for future projects now thank you it was also my first time making sounds and music so that means alot to hear

really enjoy the game

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thx yea when I made the sprite I was trying to get that nes charm with using 3 or 2 frames a action but I just couldn't get the speed right so next time I'll be looking at making better key frames 

lol well in construct 3 u can always add a custom control to the down arrow that makes the point of view move down so far and return to normal when u release it 

cool game think it could befit from a way to make the camera pan down and up to help see platforms