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A member registered Nov 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great game! With some more development time I think I could totally see this as a full fledged indie game, the next Celeste even. In that same vein, this game could probably work pretty well as a rage game. The character controls a little wonky, which can lead to some frustration. Besides that, everything is great, and I'd love to see more from this game!

I definitely liked the style! It's just that it is hard to tell where to go, as well as understand how the red guy works (like a bull). If those would have been made clearer I think this would be just about perfect. It's really good at being a horror game without that much going on, and when I first got the jumpscare, it scared the life out of me. Nice game!

That's actually not a glitch. You are supposed to miss that jump (it's impossible) and then fall to get sent to the next level. Unless it didn't send you to the next level, in which case that was a glitch. Thanks for the feedback and the kind words!