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A member registered Dec 22, 2022

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I'm a huge fanatic for this game. Like PanosAXD, the last reviewer mentioned, there are some surprises. Actually, not just the last reviewer, but several comments mention of Yoko's large breast and even larger cock. But this isn't your run of the mill cum blast review. This is about the winter expansion pack just released. 

First, I'm glad you can change the skin tone of the characters with the added expansion.  I was worried about this games lack of POC and now you can change the hue of every character to make them as diverse as your grocery cart at whole foods. Getting to make Yoku Nigerian and Haru Polynesian was an incredible adventure of the senses.

On the first day of class A new student arrives. His name is Jack & oddly resembles Jack from Jack and the bean stock. He carries a walking cane and some nice sexy Rayban wayferers signaling he is blind. Good for the developers I thought, blind people would love to see themselves represented in video games. Jack is a sultry fellow who enjoys wicked things that I won't spoil for you. But what suprised me is when he asked for help finding the restroom. I gladly escorted him to the unisex transfreindly urinal. Jack stopped in his foot tracks and took a large whiff, "there's others in this bathroom".

"You're right Jack, There's actually a women in the urinal next to yours with a cock coming out the bottom of the dress taking a piss and a man in a dress popping a squat in the stall on the other side. great nose you got there!

He wanted to wait until they left to avoid stage freight.

Once we were alone things got different. Jack told me he needs help unbuttoning his pants to use the urinal. I had no problem doing this as to not be outed as an ableist but what came out of his trunks made his walking cane look like a tic tac. "Did your parents name you after that bean stalk you're carrying between those legs?" Jack than asks you to beat him off as he's backed off. "You wouldn't want me to get blue balls now, would you?" I asked Jack how would you ever know if you can't see the color of them?  But Jack wasn't having it. A pop up screen then comes up with 2 choices to dictate what happens next. Beat Jack off with 1 hand purfuely or both hands to make sure you don't cramp up once this party begins. Truth be told I really didn't want to pick either option but decided both hands might be better.  I wish there were more creative options to pick from and request the developers look into this as well as reply to my personal email helping me get my housing paperwork in order.Thanks