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Eve Cabanié

A member registered Apr 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi there ! :D

Yes the two main remarks from our teacher were about the jumpscare and The first key, difficult to find 😵‍💫

Haha because it is a voodoo ritual :D it’s their revenge, but it ended badly lmao  

Yeah it was a 10 minutes project only 😞

Thank you very much for your feedback ! :D

thank you very much for your kind feedback 🥰

Xx from France 

Hello there ! A huge thank you from all the team ☺️  We’re glad that you enjoyed it, if we had more time we would have done more puzzles, like when you « die » the game loops ans you discover more lore and new puzzles ☺️ it’s nice that you’ve searched for the real story too !

Anyway, thanks again mate, take care ☺️

thank you very very much 🙏🏻🙏🏻 It means a lot 🥰

Hi there ! Thank you for your kind feedback, if you want to know more about the story behind the game, i invite you to look for "March 21th 1788, New Orleans" on google :D

Thanks again mate, we appreciate it !

Our pleasure 😁

Thank you for your support 🙏🏻

Thank you very much !!! 😁 we truly appreciate !

Thank you very much for your feedback and your video, it really means a lot :D

We are delighted to see that you liked it ! If you look for "March 21th 1788 - New Orleans" you'll find the real story that is behind the game !

Thank you very much for playing our game and for the video :D it means a lot

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for playing our game and for your nice feedback :D

Thank youuu ❤️❤️  im dead, you deserve 3 croissants for that 

Thank you ❤️😏😏😏 i guessed who 

thank you so much ❤️