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A member registered May 16, 2017

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I'm exactly the same, with the 1440 as well haha. The only saving grace is I usually stream it for friends on discord and they tell me which one. But playing by myself I can hardly do it, and yeah I could let kerfur do it, but I want the money 馃槶

Exactly, I'd want it as toggle ofc, having that be the default for everyone would be obnoxious. In reply to the other person, I've never used the discs before, I only sell them lol. And yeah I'm not a huge fan of a floating icon kinda thing. A simple toggle to make them bright and extremely different colors, once again like Blue/Red or whatever else. Yellow and Purple?

Hey MrDrNose, just a little bit of an accessibility question. I am colorblind as sin, red/green colorblind to be specific. That being said, fixing the servers in the server room at base takes me a whole lot longer because I genuinely cannot tell the red/green apart. Do you think there is a way you could make them more standout colors if there was a colorblind setting toggle, like Blue and Red? Blue being good, red still being broken. Or like yellow and blue maybe? Thank you for considering! 


im really surprised you've never gotten this before? This was even in the earlier builds. When some events happen it makes you jolt awake and you just gotta wait til they end

only fix right now is to revert back to the previous update before this patch, wait until next patch, or buy a regular kerfur cause she still works. Omega kerf does still do everything else besides fix servers tho

Hey yall, so with Omega Kerf not being able to fix servers atm until the next patch, does anyone know if normal Kerfur still works?

thank you!!

Please put a rollback download from before this update, I don't care about my ATV despawning at all but big Kerfur is so 1000000% necessary I despise fixing servers and getting reports its so miserable

Kerfur is broken, she cant fix servers I actually want to cry

Kerfur loses her jacket I got from The Hole everytime I load a save and there's only two jackets ):

It helps to read everything in the tutorial and also follow the trail that you spawn in on when the actual game starts.

(1 edit)

I'm gonna put this out there, I do not like the main option of reporting bugs or issues in a specific Discord. I do think having a forum of some sort would be nice to have as well, cause what's the point of joining a server im never going to interact with other than posting bugs?

That being said, Omega Kerfur gets stuck 100% of the time when trying to fix transformers that have those shoddy wooden fences outside of them. Her pathing does not allow her to move around them or get unstuck. She just stands there looking at the transformer room. I don't know if the fences are destructible. But that kinda cuts her function down. 

this is also mainly about the Bad Sun event, it's an agonizing wait just let me save

I will say, that I am not nor will I ever be a fan of single-player games that lock me out of being able to save the game. Some of the events in the game don't let you save, and some of them are damn long. If something IRL comes up, or let's say im playing before work or I simply want to change games, then I'm stuck between waiting or losing my progress. That's just me and I see it as an accessbility thing, but it is kind of annoying.